Yahya 亞和亞 (施洗約翰)是扎格里亞的兒子,也是伊撒的預言(通報)者,他預示伊撒的降臨,給猶太人喜訊,說解救他們的人就要來臨。因此在敘述伊撒時,《古蘭經》必先談到代表Elijah (以利亞) 精神和力量的Yahya (施洗約翰)。
這結經文只示意施洗約翰在一點是無可匹敵的,即他是作為另一個先知伊撒的預告人而來到的第一個先知,他也是代表另一個先知Elijah (以利亞)的精神和力量而來到的第一個先知。
9. 扎格里亞說:「我的養主啊!我怎樣可以有子呢?我的妻子不妊,我已達到了極為衰老之年了。」He Said, “My Lord, how shall there be a boy for me while my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme of old age?”
11. 扎格里亞說:「我的養主啊!求你賜我律令。」他說:「你的律令是:你要連續三天不與人們說話。」He said, “My Lord, make for me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is you should not speak to anyone for three full days and nights"
12. 從那以後,扎格里亞從猶太人的會堂里出來會見族人,對他們低聲地說:「你們要朝夕不停地贊頌安拉的清高。」Then he came out to his people from the place of prayer, and directed them by gestures to proclaim the purity of Allah at morning and evening.
13. 14 . 15. 16 繼而亞合亞降生了,安拉對他說:「亞合亞啊!要固守天啓的經典!」我在其童年時代,已賜給了他智慧,這是我對他惻隱之心的象徵,是為了使他清高。他曾是一個大的敬畏者。他孝敬父母,不是傲慢、背逆的人。他在出生、死亡和復生的日子裡,都享受平安幸福。 " O Yahya, hold fast the Book," And we gave him wisdom while he was still a child, and (blessed him with) love from our own, and purity; and he was God-fearing, and he was good to his parents; and he was not oppressive (or) disobedient. Peace on him the day he was born, the day he dies and the day he will be raised alive.
Islam在開始的幾個世紀中發展得很快。大批的人從各種其他宗教——特別是從基督教——加入到Islam的行列中來。這些人帶來了有關伊撒的種種錯誤信念,由於他們過去沒有充分吸收伊斯蘭教義的真正精神,所有這些虛構的信念都給予伊撒一個超人的性格——大大地高於人類水平的性格。《古蘭經》在本章中力圖去掉的就是有關伊撒的這些愚蠢的信念。用亞合亞(施洗約翰)與伊撒之間形成對比的方法,這一章和Al Imran章意欲講清,伊撒並沒有比安拉派遣的其他先知具有什麼卓著之處。
17. 18. 19 要敘述這部天經所記載的瑪爾彥的故事,特別是當她離開她親戚而到東方去的時候;她在自己和他們親戚之間設立了一個帳幕即她與親戚斷絕了關係而隱蔽了自己。於是我派遣了下降我言語的天使到她那裏去,他以一個健全人的外形顯現在她的面前。她對他說:「我求無限博愛者保佑我免除你的危害,如果你具有敬畏的品德。」And mention in the Book (the story of) Maryam, when she secluded herself from her people to a place towards East, then she used a barrier to hide herself from them. Then, We sent to her Our Angel, (Jibra’il) and he took before her the form of a perfect human being. She said, “I seek refuge with the All-Merciful (Allah) against
you, if you are God-fearing.”
作為以下幾章所敘述的有關伊撒在沒有父親的媒介下誕生的伊些詳細情況的序言。《新約全書》對瑪爾彥懷孕之前的生活實際上沒有什麼敘述。然而《古蘭經》對瑪爾彥的家庭、她的誕生情況、她母親的許願、把她獻身給教堂的事業以及她開始懷有伊撒的情況作了詳細得多的敘述。(3: 36, 37, 38, 43) 而本章對瑪爾彥身懷伊撒後她發生了什麼情況以及伊撒出生後和受託安拉的使命後發生了什麼情況作了更為詳細的敘述。這樣就對即將從以色列家族轉移給伊司馬儀家族的先知品味這一重要論題有關的以及本章主要論題瑪爾彥提供了一切必要的細節。
[3: 36] 應當記著,當儀姆藍的婦女祈禱著說:「我的養主啊!我許願把我腹中所懷的奉獻給你。求你無論如何接受我的奉獻吧!你確實是全聽的,全知的」。(Remember) when Imran’s wife said: “O my Lord, I have vowed that what is in my womb will be devoted exclusively for You. So, accept (it) from me. You, certainly You, are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
[3:38] 於是她的養主仁慈地接受了她,使她好好地生長,並令扎格里亞(Zachariah)做她的保護人。每當扎格里亞到房子裡最好的地方去看她時,總見她那裏有些食品。有一天,當他看見了那些食品,就問她說:「這是從哪裡來的?」她回答說:「這是從安拉那裡來的。」的確,安拉無窮無盡地供養他所意欲的人。So, her Lord accepted her, a good acceptance, and made her grow, a good growth, and made Zachariah her guardian. Whenever Zachariah visited her at the place of worship, he found food with her. He said: “Maryam, from where did you have this?” She said: “It is from Allah. Surely, Allah gives whom He wills without measure.”
[3:43] 要記得,當天使說:「瑪爾彥啊!安拉確已選擇了你,使你清潔了身心並使你超越當代所有婦女。And when the angels said: “O Maryam, Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you over the women of all the worlds.
[3:47]「他在搖籃幼年與青年時代和中年時代,都將與人說近主的話,他將是一個正義的人。」 He shall speak to people while (he is still) in the cradle, and also later, when he is of mature age; and he shall be one of the righteous.”
[3:50] 「他將派他作為使者向以色列人傳達這個使命:我帶著你們養主的跡象來到你們這裡。」那跡象是,我為了你們的好處將以具有泥土特性的人創造像飛鳥形狀一樣的創造物,然後我在其中注入新的精神,於是他們奉安拉之命成為高飛的人;我將奉安拉之命醫治瞎子和麻瘋病人,並使死者復生、我將告訴你們所吃的和你們家裡所儲藏的。如果你們是信仰的人,這對於你們確實是跡象。
And (shall make him) a messenger to the Children of Isra’il (who will say to them): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that is, I create for you from clay something in the shape of a bird, then I blow in it, and it becomes a living bird by the will of Allah; and I cure the born-blind and the leper, and I cause the dead to become alive by the will of Allah; and I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your homes. In this there is surely a sign for you, if you are (truly) believers.
「色列人的使者」這一句說明:伊撒的使命的範圍在以色列之家(the house of Israel),他不是全世界的使者。
[3:55] 你們邁喜合的敵人制定了計畫,安拉也制定了計畫;安拉比一切設計的人都是更善於設計的。They (the opponents of Isa) devised a plan, and Allah devised a plan. And Allah is the best of all planners.
猶太人謀圖把伊撒釘死在十字架上讓大家咒罵 (Deut. 21: 24),而安拉打算使伊撒從死亡中得救。猶太人的計畫失敗了,而安拉的計畫取得了成功,因為伊撒並沒有死在十字架上,而是活著從十字架下來了。
[3:56] 當安拉說:「伊撒啊!我一定使你死,把你榮升到我處,清除不信的人對你的歸罪,並使信從你的勝過不信的人,直到復生之日;然後你們將歸向我,我將在你們之間判斷你們所有的糾紛。」When Allah said: “O Isa, I will cause thee to die a natural death and to raise you towards Myself, and to cleanse you of those who disbelieve, and to place those who follow you above those who disbelieve up to the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, whereupon I shall judge between you in that over which you have differed.
[3: 60] 實際上,在安拉看來,伊撒的情況與阿丹的情況一樣。他用泥土創造了他,繼而對他說:「有」,他就開始有了。Surely, the case of Isa, in the sight of Allah, is like the case of ‘Adam “ He created him from dust, then He said to him, “Be”, and he came to be.
me as long as I am alive,
great deal) of our mercy, and caused them to have a good name at a high level.
55. 你依照《古蘭經》經義也敘述關於伊司馬儀的故事。他是信守諾言的,是一位使者和先知。And mention in the Book (the story of) Ismail. He was indeed true to his promise, and was a messenger, a Prophet.
56. 他經常勸囑自己的族人謹守拜功、交納天課。他是他養主所喜愛的人。 He used to enjoin Salah and Zakah upon his family, and was favourite to his Lord.
57. 你也要照著《古蘭經》經義宣講伊德里斯的故事。他是一個誠實的人、一位先知。And mention in the Book (the story of) Idris. He was indeed a Siddiq (man of truth), a Prophet.
59. 這些是安拉曾賜與先知恩惠的人;他們是阿丹的後裔。是我使其與努哈同舟共濟者的後裔,是阿布拉欣和雅爾孤布的後裔,他們是在我所領導的和為自己所選擇的人之中的。
Those are the people whom Allah has blessed with bounties, the prophets from the progeny of ‘Adam, and of those whom We caused to board (the Ark) along with Nuh, and from the progeny of Ibrahim and Isra’il (Jacob), and from those whom We guided and selected. When the verses of The Rahman (The All-Merciful) were recited before them, they used to fall down in Sajdah (prostration),while they were weeping.
60. 後來,他們有了不肖的後裔,他們放棄了拜功,追隨了私慾,所以他們將要滅亡。
90. 你對他們說:「你們說出了極可惡的話。」Assuredly, you have done a monstrous things.
91. 天幾乎要破開,地幾乎要碎裂,山岳幾乎要崩墜。that the heavens are well-nigh to explode at it, and the earth to burst apart, and the mountains to fall down crumbling,
For they have ascribed a son to the All-Merciful (Allah), while it does not behove the All-Merciful to have a son. There is none in the heavens and the earth, but bound to come to the All-Merciful as a salve.
98. 我用你的言語把《古蘭經》作為易懂的,好叫你藉它向敬畏者傳達喜訊,並警告爭吵的民族。 So We have made it (the Qur’an) easy through your tongue, so that you give with it the good news to the God-fearing, and warn with it an obstinate people.
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