5. 他穆罕默德聖人聽了這話說:「我的養主知道天地間的一切言語。他是全聽的,全知的。」He (the prophet) said, “My Lord knows all that is spoken in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
6. 不只於此,他們反對者甚至說:這言語是慌亂的夢;不,這還不是慌亂的夢,只是他自己捏造的謊言;不,他是一位詩人,他的大腦產生種種想像。讓他像前代使者一樣帶給我們跡象吧!」Further they said, “(The Qur’an is) a mixture of jumble dreams. Rather, he (the prophet) has fabricated it. Rather, he is a poet. So, let him bring a sign to us, as the earlier ones were sent with.”
31. 不信者難道未曾看到天地原是一個牢固密閉的體積,然後我把它倆鑿開,我以水創造每一個有生命的東西,難道他們還不信仰我?Did the disbelievers not observe that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them? And We created from water every living thing. Would they still not believe?
Khuliqa Insanu Min Ajal這一用語,意指「急躁」是人的一個構成部分,它是人類性格中如此顯著的一個特點,以致可以說人類就是從急躁中創造出來的。就是說他的天性是急急躁躁的。同樣的用語也使用在《古蘭經》其他經文中(7:13 ; 30: 5)
49. 我賜給了穆撒和哈融明顯的跡象、光輝和提醒敬畏者的東西。And We gave Musa(Moses) and Harun(Aaron) the Criterion, and a Light and a Reminder for the God-fearing(righteous).
51. 我所降賜的《古蘭經》是一部包羅一切優點的助人記憶的經典;你們拒絕它嗎?And it is a blessed Reminder that We have sent down; will you then reject it?
52. 在這之前,我賜給了伊布拉欣智慧,我原是深知他的。Even earlier We had given Ibrahim(Abraham) his guidance, and We knew him well.
57. 伊布拉欣回答說:「真的,你們的養主是天地的養主,他創造了它們天地;我是這件事的證人;He said, “No, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who has created them, and I am
one of those who bear witness to it.
58. 我「憑安拉發誓,在你們離去以後,我必將設法反對你們的偶像。」And, by Allah that I will devise something against your idols after you have gone away turning your backs.”
59.然後他粉碎了那些偶像,只留下它們中大的,以便他們再一次地轉向它來。Then he broke them to pieces, except the big one of them, so that they may return to it for enquiry.
64. 伊布拉欣回答說:「這件事情畢竟是某一個人做的,這是他們中較大的一個。如果它能說話,那你們就問問它看吧!」He replied, “Aye, somebody has surely done this. Here is their chief . But, ask them if they can speak.”
72. 我拯救了他和魯特,帶他們抱我替人們降了福的地方。And We rescued him and Lut towards the land we blessed for all the peoples.
74. 我賜他們為領袖,他們奉我的旨意領導人民,我啟示他們力行善事,固守拜功,交納天課。他們只是拜我的。And We made them the Imams who guided (people) under Our command, and We inspired them to do good deeds and to establish Salah and pay Zakah, and Us alone they worshipped.
75. 我賜給了魯特智慧和學識。我拯救他脫離那人們慣行罪惡的城市。他們的確是一個邪惡、悖逆的民族。As for Lut, We gave him wisdom and knowledge, and We delivered him from the town that used to do dirty deeds. Indeed, they were the people of evil, the sinners.
77. 要回憶關於努哈的往事:當他在伊布拉欣以前呼求我,我接受了他的祈禱,拯救了他和他的家眷脫離一個大的災難,And (remember) Nuh, when he called (for help) earlier, so We responded to him and saved him and his family from the terrible agony,
78. 我幫助了他抵禦拒絕我跡象的民族。他們是一個壞的民族,所以我把他們完全淹沒了。and helped him against the people who gave the lie to Our verses. Indeed, they were the people of evil, therefore, We drowned them all.
79. 要記著關於達五德和素萊曼的往事,當一群人的羊在夜間毀壞了農作物,他倆為它作了裁判。我是他們裁判的見證人。And (remember) Dawud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon), when they were adjudicating about the tillage in which the goats of other people wandered at night (and trampled it), and We were witness to their judgment.
80. 我使素萊曼了解了事情的真象,賜予了他倆智慧和學識。我使群山、飛鳥跟著達五德一齊讚頌安拉。我原是有力量做這一切的。So, We enabled Sulaiman to understand it. And to each one of them We gave wisdom and knowledge. And with Dawud We subjugated the mountains that pronounced tasbiH (Allah’s purity), and the birds as well. And We were the One who did (it).
81. 我曾教他為你們製作鎧甲,好叫它在戰爭中保衛你們。那你們做不做感恩報德的人呢?We taught him the skill of making armor as dress for you to protect you from what may harm you (in combat). So are you grateful?
82. 我使暴風服從素萊曼。它奉他的命令吹到我降福之地。我是知道一切事物的。And for Sulaiman, (We subjugated) the violent wind that blew under his command to the land in which We placed Our blessings. And We were the One who knew everything.
83. 我曾使一些潛水能手臣服他。他們為他潛水,並從事其他工作。我常監督他們的工作。And from the devils, (We subjugated for him) those who dived in water for him and did jobs other than that. And We were the One who kept watch over them.
84. 你也當回憶阿優布的故事:當他呼求他的養主說:「我已遭受了痛苦而你是仁慈中最仁慈的。」And (remember) Ayyub (Job), when he called his Lord saying, “Here I am, afflicted by pain and You are the most merciful of all the merciful.”
85. 於是我接受了他的祈禱,解除了他所遭受的痛苦,把他的家屬和他們以外的都歸還了他,作為我的仁慈和對崇拜者的勸告。So, We answered his prayer and removed whatever pain he had, and gave him (back) his family and the like thereof along with them, as a mercy from Our own Self and as a lesson for the worshippers.
86. 你也要回憶伊司馬儀、伊德利司、雜耳給夫耳的往事。他們都是堅忍的人。And (remember) Ismail and Idris and Dhul-Kifl. Each one of them was of those who observed patience.
88. 也當記著雜農尤努司的往事;當他憤怒地走了,而且以為我將不對他頒發命令。於是他在苦惱中呼求我說:「除你之外,再沒有值得崇拜的對象,你是清高的。我的確是不義的人。」And (remember) Dhunnun (the man of the fish, namely Yunus X), when he walked away in anger and thought that We would never put him to trouble. Then, he called (Us) in depths of darkness saying, “There is no god but You. Pure are You. Indeed I was among the wrongdoers.”
89. 於是我接受了他的祈禱,解除了他的痛苦。就這樣,我拯救真正信仰的人。So We responded to him and rescued him from the distress. And this is how We rescue the believers.
90. 你也當回憶扎格里亞的故事:當他呼求著他的養主,說:「我的養主啊!不要把我單獨丟下。你是最好的繼承者。」And (remember) Zakariyya when he called his Lord, “My Lord, do not leave me alone and You are the best of inheritors.”
91. 我便接受了他的祈禱,賜了他亞合亞,為他醫治了他夫人的不育症。這些人都爭先行善,以希望和懼怕的心情呼求我,他們在我面前,總是保持謙虛的態度的。So, We responded to him and gave him YaHya and made his wife good for him. They used to race towards the good deeds and call Us with hope and fear; and they were humble to Us.
92. 也當記著那個固守了自己貞節的女子的往事,我賜了她我的啟示,把她和她的兒子做為世人跡象。And (remember) her who protected her private part (that is, Maryam). So, We blew in her (a life) through Our Spirit, and made her and her son (Isa X) a sign for all the worlds.
93. 你們的這個民族的確只是一個民族。我是你們的養主,所以你們只當拜我。Verily, this is your people-one people; and I am your Lord, so worship Me.
這些歷史上著名的先知,都曾經歷過艱難歲月,他們與信士們同甘共苦,毫不動搖,堅定不移地敬畏真主,遵循真主的啟示和正道,證明他們都是堅忍忠誠的典範。 他們在最艱難的時候,都向真主祈求恕饒和援助,並且以身作則鼓勵信士們對正義事業充滿信心,絕不會對邪惡的強權屈服而放棄鬥爭,也絕不會對真主的仁慈產生懷有而求助於其他神明。
在《古蘭經》中提名記念的眾先知,都出生於世界上的一個地區,即地中海以東和南邊的陸地﹐那裡被現代歷史學家們確認為是人類文明的最早發源地。 文明伴隨著真主的啟示出現,證實真主的歷代使者對早期文明的教化,當地的民眾永遠記憶他們,因為都是他們祖先的導師。 類似的文明也在世界許多其他地方蘊育在人類的搖籃中﹐任何地方的文明先驅都具有同樣的素質和品格。 這個蘇勒是對眾先知行為的概括,雖然時代不同,貫通上下數萬年歷史,人類的精神和思想沒有改變,都是來自同一個造物主的仁慈。 這個蘇勒的中心位置敘述了這些先知的故事,表明了他們共同的精神和品格。從第48節經文開始﹐到94節結束。
94. 他們先知的反對者把自己的宗教分為不同的派別,殊不知他們都將要回歸我的。But they have separated their ways from one another. All of them have to return to Us.
95. 凡信仰而行善的人,他的奮鬥不會遭受拒絕。我必將紀錄他的善功。So, whoever does righteous deeds, while he is a believer, his effort will not be rejected, and We are to put it on record.
96. 這是被註定的:凡是我毀滅了的城市,它的居民將不再回到今世裡來。It is banned for (the people of) a town that We destroyed that they come back
97. 當雅朱者和馬朱者的門路得到開放時,他們將穿過山岳和汪洋的障礙而散布到整個世界。until when the Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog) are released, while they run down from every height,
98. 安拉的諾言實現的時候將到來,那時,不信者將目不轉睛地看著,說:「我們真是不幸啊!我們竟忽視了這一點,不但如此,我們也是不義的人。」and the True Promise draws near, then it will so happen that the eyes of the disbelievers shall remain upraised (in terror, and they will say,) “Alas to us! We were in negligence about this; rather we were transgressors.”
在雅朱者和馬朱者統治之後,緊接者的將是世界發生許多大災難,其結果將是伊斯蘭教的勝利(60: 10) 以及由雅朱者和馬朱者所代表的虛假的勢力和功利主義的失敗。雅朱者和馬朱者徹底毀滅之後,伊斯蘭教將重新得到它過去的光榮偉大;那些對它復興喪失了一切希望的人們簡直不能相信自己的眼睛。
104. 最大的恐怖將不會使他們憂傷,天使將迎接他們,說:「這就是你們所受許的日子;」They shall not be grieved by the Biggest Panic, and the angels shall receive them (saying), “This is your day that you had been promised.
105. 那天,我將像書法家把寫成的卷物卷起一樣,把天卷起。猶如肇始第一創造那般地將再創造。這是我的許約;我一定要實現。-the Day when We roll up the sky like a scroll rolls up the writings. Just as We originated the first creation, so We shall bring it back again -a promise (undertaken to be binding) on Us. We are sure to do it.
106. 我在大衛的詩篇中,在作了一些勸告後,寫到:大地繼承者將是我良善的僕人。And We have written in Zabur (Psalms) after the advice that the land will be inherited by My righteous slaves.
108. 我為了向整個人類施行仁慈而派遣了你。And We have not sent you but as mercy for all the worlds.
109. 你說:「我所受啟示的是:「你們值得崇拜的對象只是一個。你們順從嗎?」Say, “What is revealed to me is simply that your God is One God. So do you submit?”
111. 他安拉的確知道一切公開的言語,也知道你們所隱藏的; Surely, He knows what is spoken openly and He knows what you conceal.
112. 「我不知那上面所敘述的,也許是對你們的一個考驗,並使你們受益到一段時間。」And I do not know; perhaps it is a trial for you and an enjoyment for a while.”
113. 在這個啟示下降後,穆罕默德聖人說:「我的養主啊!求你依照真理判決!不信者啊!我們的養主是無限的博愛者,對於你們所反對我們的話,我們只有祈求他的幫助。」He (Our Messenger) said, “My Lord, judge with truth. And Our Lord is the Rahman (All-Merciful), the One whose help is sought against what you describe.
先知穆聖當初在麥加,向那裡的阿拉伯人傳播真主的啟示,異常艱難,如同雨水落在了石壁上,滲透性幾乎全無。 後來經歷了千辛萬苦的奮鬥,先知穆聖證實了他是真主的使者,給黑暗的世界帶來光明和仁慈,抵制真理的頑固勢力如同一座大冰山,在灼熱的陽光下開始融化。先知穆聖面臨著許多困難﹐他的使命只是傳告真主的啟示﹐但他自己卻在艱難中天天祈禱和求助。長久沉睡於蒙昧之中的阿拉伯人,當看到了認主獨一的真理,心情激動,精神振奮,改變了萎靡和墮落的民族性格。 先知穆聖指導他們團結奮鬥,造就了一個新興的民族穆斯林,成為精力充沛熱氣騰騰的時代英雄,決心傳播真理,橫掃四方。
Reference: 古蘭經導讀
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