Dhul Hijjah
伊曆十二月(Dhul Hijjah)八日
NAFS: ourselves/soul/spirit/self
jihad ul nafs
struggle against evil soul
struggle against
When will read Quran u will read these three nafs
Nafs is of three types:
(1) nafs ul mutmainna:mutmainna means good soul, mutmain means satisfied, happy
(2) nafs ul lawwama:
(3) nafs ul ammara:evil soul, wrong deeds, jihad ul nafs is actually against this nafs
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哈吉:對每位穆斯林男女來說是必須履行的義務。哈吉的特定日期是從伊曆十二月(Dhul Hijjah)八日這一周到該月的十三日。
離開阿拉法特山以後舉行的儀式:離開阿拉法特山之後,朝覲者前往穆資達利(Muzdalifah),並在那裏過一夜。晨拜後他們返回米那, 在這裏他們石擊象徵撒旦的一座石柱,以示正義戰勝邪惡。之後,剪去頭髮表明受戒的結束並獻祭牲口。朝覲的儀式以投石後繞遊天房而告結束,雖然它不是朝覲者在離別麥加城前的告別繞遊。若時間寬裕,朝覲者可以去麥地那並在先知清真寺裏禱告,儘管這不是必須做的,但這很有意義。朝覲後人們返回家園,對自己人生的意義會有新的體會。正如先知(願真主賜他平安)所言:完成哈吉的人「如降生時一般純潔。」
天房:天房是一座用黑布遮蓋的立方體建築物。它簡樸莊嚴,黑布不在於其重要性,而在於傳統上這般使用。天房有一門,房內什揦也沒有─沒有畫像、偶像或題詞。雖然 簡樸,但進入天房的朝覲者感到無比激動,因為這是建於大地上的第一座崇拜真主的房子。朝覲者還感到自己貼近了伊布拉欣和真主派遣的其他一主教先知。
Circling Ka’bah
繞遊天房後,朝覲者來到伊布拉欣故居,這是座很小的建築,裏面有一個裝有先知伊布拉欣足印的玻璃鑄件。這足印是他俯瞰天房時留下的(即當他安放黑石時留下 的)。參觀伊布拉欣故居提醒我們:先知伊卡拉欣建天房不是為了自己,而是表示對真主的忠貞,是為其子以實瑪利和所有的穆斯林所用。朝覲者然後向薩法山和麥爾臥山進發,兩山相距約四分之一英里。朝覲見者須在兩山之間來回奔波七次。老弱病殘者由特殊的工具攜帶他們。完成此功課後,朝覲見者表示已完成了 朝覲,並以削髮的方式結束受戒。他們隨後來到贊木贊木泉水邊飲水,並舉行沐浴儀式。此地便是當年先知以實瑪利還是嬰兒的時候,從他足底下湧出的泉水。
1) 當夏甲被留在曠野時,她沒有採取宿命論的方法,坐等自己和嬰兒自生自滅。因為伊斯蘭反對宿命論。 2) 夏甲的行為體現了她對安拉的忠貞與信賴。她奔波於兩山之間是希望安拉會佑助她擺脫困境。 3) 自先知穆罕默德以來,數億萬人在薩法山和麥爾臥山之間奔波,踏著一位貧窮、謙卑,傳說是非洲人血統的姆女的足跡。其重大意義,是它體現了伊斯蘭真正的平等精神─種族、性別和民族優越和安拉毫無關係─富者與貧者都踏著夏甲的足跡。 4) 它體現了伊斯蘭對婦女和母性的極大尊敬─每個人踏著那位一貧如洗的母親的足跡。 |
酒的阿語原文是khamr。其義是任何能致醉的飲料,不管它們是由發酵還是由蒸餾製作的。但khamr的嚴格意義又同動詞khamara(遮蔽)及khamra(發酵的)相關。也就 是說,喝了發酵製作的飲料心靈就會“遮蔽”。當然,除了酒以外還有別的東西也能使人的心靈“遮蔽”。因此,穆聖﹙願主賜他平安﹚和歐麥爾都明確地說,任何 遮蔽心靈的東西都是khamr,應在禁止之列。
沙菲(Imam Al-Shaafa’i)伊瑪目及其門人故認為在伊曆
若能在一月(Muharram)封更多的副功齋是最好的 |
(Mubarra) 丈夫/離婚?
(Khula) 妻子/離婚?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Islam Terminology
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Prayer Istikhaarah
"Istikhara" means to seek guidance from Allah (Exalted is He), When we have to make major life-changing decisions:
whether to undertake a major project or not, whether to apply for a promotion or not,
whether to change career or not, whether to invest in a certain company or not,
whether to get married or not, whom to get married to, etc
The one who does the istikhara is as if they request Allah Almighty that, O the Knower of Unseen (Exalted is He) guide me if this task is better for me or not?
The Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi Wasallam) used to teach us the way of doing Istikhara, in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran. He said, "If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two Rakat prayer other than the compulsory ones and say (after the prayer)
First pray Two Cycles (raka') of ritual Prayer (nafil)
such that in the first raka' after Surah Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109)
and in the second raka' after Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112).
fter finishing prayer recite this (supplication/dua'): Dua in Arabic Text above.
How to pray Salat-ul-Istikhara step-by step:
1. Perform Wudu (the ablution) if you do not have it already.
2. Pray 2 raka’at either with the intention of praying Istikhara separately by itself or jointly with 2 rakat of,
for example, tahajjud.
3. Immediately after you have completed the 2 rakats, recite the Istikhara Dua.
4. Name the deed you wish Allah to provide you with guidance about.
5. Follow An Nawawi’s advice on how to interpret Allah’s guidance (again see above).
6. There is no limit on the number of times you can pray Salat-ul-Istikhara.
Sometimes it takes only once to get the answer and sometimes it takes longer. It is better to do istakhara seven times. If you have received an answer as explained in the section below,
stop doing istikhara. You do not have to continue to do isitkhara for 7 days. It is better that right after reciting the supplication, given above, sleep with ablution (people
who cannot keep the ablution for longer times due to health problems do not have to worry about ablution before falling asleep) facing the direction of the Qibla
(facing the Qibla is not required but it is a Sunnat of our beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him). It is better to recite salutations (durood/ salawat) on the Prophet Allah's Grace and Peace be upon
him before and after the above Dua (supplication).
If in the dream one sees whiteness (means any thing white in color, for example: milk, white paper, white sky, white clothes, white light etc.) or greenness (means any thing green in color,
for example: grass, plants, trees, green clothes, green light etc.) then understand that this task is better and if one sees redness (means any thing red in color, for example: blood, red clothing,
red fruit, red light etc.) or blackness (means any thing black in color, for example: black water, black light, black clothings, black sky, black wall etc. ) then understand it is bad and avoid it.
If do not remember any dream or do not see any colors then follow your heart. Whatever intention grows stronger in your heart regarding your targated work follow it after seven days of Istakhara.
"O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me. O Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it." | Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmika, Wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika, Wa asaluka min fadlika al-’azim Fa-innaka taqdiru Wala aqdiru, Wa ta’lamu Wala a’lamu, Wa anta ‘allamu l-ghuyub. Allahumma, in kunta ta’lam anna hadha-l-amra Khairun li fi dini wa ma’ashi wa’aqibati amri (or ‘ajili amri wa’ajilihi) Faqdirhu li wa yas-sirhu li thumma barik li Fihi, Wa in kunta ta’lamu anna hadha-lamra shar-run li fi dini wa ma’ashi wa’aqibati amri (or fi’ajili amri wa ajilihi) Fasrifhu anni was-rifni anhu. Waqdir li alkhaira haithu kana Thumma ardini bihi |
3 Rakah (Witar)
●When one wants to recite Qur’an, one should these two beforehand:
1) Aaozu billa hi minasshaitan-nir-rajeem
2) Bismillaa hirrahmaan nirraheem
●Take Wazu before offering prayer
●Niyyat: to make ur mind for the prayer
I am reciting two sunnah of fajar in the name of Allah by facing towards Kabba for almighty Allah
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory to You, O Allah, and Yours is the praise. And blessed is Your Name, and exalted is Your Majesty. And there is no deity to be worshipped but You | Subhaana ka’lla hu’mma waa bi hamdlika wa-ta baara kasmuka wa ta' aalaa jad-duka wa laa ilaaha ghairuka |
I seek Allah's protection from Satan who is accursed. | Aaozu billa hi minas shaitaa-nir-rajeem |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all that exists( the whole unervise) | Alhamdu lillahi rabbil- aalameen |
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful | Ar-rahmaa-nir-raheem |
Master(lord) of (the Day of Judgment) | Maliki (yaum-mid-deen) |
You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help | Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta-‘een |
Guide us to the | ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem |
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace | Siraa-tal lazina ana mta alai him |
Not the way of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray | Ghairil maghdubi alaihim wa lad-daaleen |
Aameen (Oh Allah accept) | Aameen |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
By the time Verily | Wal asr |
man is in a state of loss indeed | innal insana la fi Khussr |
Except those that believe and do righteous good deeds, and exhort each otherr to follow the truth, and exhort each other to observe patience | illal lazi na,‘ aamanu, wa amilu salihatee wata waa sau bil haqe, wata waa sau bis sabr |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great | Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem |
Allah hears those who praise Him | Sami-a Allaa hu liman hamidah |
Praise is due to our Lord | Rabbanaa wa la-kal-hamd |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
My Lord forgive me | Rabbigh fir li |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all that exists( the whole unervise) | Alhamdu lillahi rabbil- aalameen |
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful | Ar-rahmaa-nir-raheem |
Master(lord) of (the Day of Judgment) | Maliki (yaum-mid-deen) |
You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help | Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta-‘een |
Guide us to the Straight Way | ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem |
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace | Siraa-tal lazina ana mta alai him |
Not the way of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray | Ghairil maghdubi alaihim wa lad-daaleen |
Aameen(Oh Allah accept) | Aameen |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
We have indeed bestowed the Kausar* upon you O Prophet,) surely We have given to you Al-Kauthar So, offer Salah (prayer) to your Lord, and sacrifice. Surely it is your enemy whose traces are cut off. | Inna aa taina- kal kausar, Fassal li li- rabbi ka- wan har, inna shaniaqa- hu wal abtar. |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great | Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem |
Allah hears those who praise Him | Sami-a Allaa hu liman hamidah |
Praise is due to our Lord | Rabbanaa wa la-kal-hamd |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
My Lord forgive me | Rabbigh fir li |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
All compliments, all physical prayer and all monetary worship are for Allah, Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet, and Allah's mercy and blessings, Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah | Attah ya tu lillah hi was salawa tu wat tayyibaa tu, Assalamu Alaika Ayyu han na biy yu Warahma tu llahi Wa-barka tuhu As-salamu 'alayna wa'ala 'ibadil- la his- sali-heen |
I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger | Ash hadu al- la ila ha illa llahu wa ash hadu an-na muhammadan ab-duhu warasuluh |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all that exists( the whole unervise) | Alhamdu lillahi rabbil- aalameen |
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful | Ar-rahmaa-nir-raheem |
Master(lord) of (the Day of Judgment) | Maliki (yaum-mid-deen) |
You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help | Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta-‘een |
Guide us to the Straight Way | ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem |
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace | Siraa-tal lazina ana mta alai him |
Not the way of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray | Ghairil maghdubi alaihim wa lad-daaleen |
Aameen(Oh Allah accept) | Aameen |
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful | Bismillaa hirrahmaa nirraheem |
Say, He is Allah, the One | Qulhu walla hu ahad |
Allah, Allah is Eternal, | allah hus samad, |
He begets not, nor was He begotten | Lam ya lid,walam yu lad, |
And there is none equal or comparable to Him | walam ya kullah hu kufu wan ahad. |
| Allaahu akbar |
Oh Allah, we ask you for help and seek your forgiveness, and we believe in You and have trust in You, and we praise you in the best way and we thank You and we are not ungrateful to you, and we forsake and turn away from the one who disobeys you. O Allah, we worship You only and pray to You and prostrate ourselves before You, and we run towards You and serve You, and we hope to receive your mercy, and we fear your punishment. Surely, the disbelievers will receive your punishment | Allah hummainna- nasta'eenuka- wa nastagh-firuka- wa nu'minu bika- wa nata-wakkalu 'alayka- wa nusne 'alay-kal khayr(alai-kal-khaira). Wa nashkuruka- wa laaa nakfuruka- wa nakh-lau- wa natruku- mayy-yaf-juru-ka. Allah humma iyyaka na'budu- wa laka nusal-lee- wa nasjudu- wa ilayka nas'a- wa nahfidu- wa narju rahmataka- wa nakhsha- 'azabaka- inna 'azabaka- bil kuffari- mulhiq *Wa=and |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great | Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem Subhana rabbi-yal Azeem |
Allah hears those who praise Him | Sami-a Allaa hu liman hamidah |
Praise is due to our Lord | Rabbanaa wa la-kal-hamd |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
My Lord forgive me | Rabbigh fir li |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High | Subhana rabbi-yal aa-la |
Allah is the Greatest | Allaahu akbar |
All compliments, all physical prayer and all monetary worship are for Allah, Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet, and Allah's mercy and blessings, Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah | Attahiyyaatu lillaahi was-salawaatu wat-tayyibaat(u), ‘Assalamu ‘Alaika ‘Ayyu han-na biyyu Wa rahmatul-laahi Wa barkaatuh(u) Assalaamu 'alainaa wa'alaa 'ibaadil- laa his- saali-heen |
I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger | Ash hadu al- la ila ha illa llahu wa ash hadu an-na muhammadan ab-duhu warasuluh |
Oh Allah, send grace and honour on Muhammad and On the family and true followers of Muhammad just as you sent Grace and Honour on Ibrahim and on the family and true followers of Ibrahim Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great. | Darood: Not part of Qur’an, part of prayer Allah humma Sali aala muhammad(in) wa aala aali muhammad(in), kama sal-lita aala ibraheem(a) wa-aala aali ibraheem(a) innaka Hameedum Majeed. |
Oh Allah, send your blessing on Muhammad and the true followers of Muhammad, just as you sent blessings on Ibrahim and his true followers Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great. | Allah huma barik alla muhammad(in), wa aala aali muhammad(in), kama barakta aala ibraheem(a) wa aala aali ibraheem(a) innaka Hameedum Majeed |
Oh Lord, make me and my children keep up prayers, Our Lord, accept our prayer, Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and all the Believers on the Day of Judgement | Rab-bij alnee muqeemas- salati wa min zur-ri-yatee rab-bana wata qabal dua, rabba nagh firlee wali waali day-ya wa lil mu-mineena yawma yaqumul hisab |
Peace & Blessings from Allah be upon you | Asslamu ‘alaikum wa rahma-tullaah |
Peace & Blessings from Allah be upon you | Asslamu ‘alaikum wa rahma-tullaah |
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