[30:31] 你要專心致志地貢獻自己,服務於宗教。遵守安拉設計的本性,安拉就是本著這個本性創造了人類。在安拉的創造中沒有任何變更。這就是永恆正確的宗教。但大多數人都不知道。
So, set your face to the Faith uprightly, this (faith) being the nature designed by Allah on which He has created the mankind. There is no change in Allah’s creation. That is the straight faith, but most of the people do not know.
→ The "Fitra" is an Islamic word that means the "original nature" of humans, the pure nature we all have when we are born. the nature we all have before society corrupts it (by converting you to another religion, cultural practices, behaviors and habits imposed to you etc)
The religion of Islam is about preserving and protecting this fitra throughout our life. Animals and everything else in the universe follow their fitra, they eat, survive and reproduce exactly the way Allah has "programmed" them.
Humans are the only creatures on earth that has a choice to follow that natural fitra or not. For example, I can decide to drink alcohol and get drunk, but this is against the fitrah, because it damages my self-control and reason. Sometimes, even when we live a life against our fitrah, our fitrah still expresses itself, it's like a "gut feeling". It's when we feel deeply that something is right or wrong, even if we can't explain it.
For example, incest is against the fitrah, even the most immoral non-Muslims know that it's wrong, but it's not something we can explain with logic. The Prophet saws had a perfect fitrah, even before he received the revelation, he had a perfect moral character. however, when we live an immoral life, that fitra is replaced by the habits that society has taught you.
Our fitrah knows that we have one Creator. that's why we feel so naturally in peace when we think about Allah being in control of our affairs. so the fitrah is something that you cultivate throughout your whole life, by following the Qur'an and the Sunna. For example that's why sometimes when we go to the countryside, etc. we see that people are more honest, more down to earth, moral, etc, because their fitra has been preserved. In big cities it is much more difficult because society puts many temptations, tastes and behaviors in your way, from a very young age. People living in the desert or mountains are those with the purest fitrah, because they have no distractions, they are always reminded of death because they have to make a living by themselves.
Society, the body, desires, etc are like a cloud around the heart/soul. Islam is about cleaning that cloud out to see clearly. And after we die, the soul/heart has direct contact with Allah swt. Without the physical body clouding it. This is why we feel dreams so strongly, even if nothing happened physically. Because our body is asleep, and there is no more obstacle to the soul for a few hours.
[30:21] 他的跡象之一是:他以泥土創造了你們;然後,你們瞧!你們成了散佈於整個大地的人群。It is among His signs that He has created you from dust, then soon you are human beings scattered around.
←[4:4] 根據《古蘭經》,婚姻的目的有四點:(1) 防止身體上,精神上及道德上的疾病;(2:188;4: 25);(2) 安定精神,得到愛侶 (30:22);(3) 生育子女;(4) 擴大親戚範圍 (4:2)。
←[2:188] 齋戒之夜與妻子交合,已給你們定為合法的。她們是你們的服裝,你們是她們的服裝。It is made lawful for you, in the nights of fasts, to have sex with your women. They are apparel for you, and you are apparel for them.
在這簡短的的話中,《古蘭經》把婦女的權利和地位、婚姻的目的和意義,以及夫婦之間的關係描述得多麼美好。本節經文大意是說婚姻的真正目的是雙方得到舒適、保護和修飾,因為這就是服裝的多種用途 (7: 27和16: 82)。這肯定不只是性生活的滿足。丈夫和妻子還得相互防護邪惡和醜事。
←[4:25] 你們可以用財產尋求婚姻對象,但條件是不准苟合,而要正式結婚。All (women), except these, have been permitted for you to seek (to marry) through your wealth, binding yourself, (in marriage) and not only for lust.
[30:23] 他的跡象之一是:天地的創造與你們言語和膚色的不同。其中對於一切有知識的人,卻有許多跡象。And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the difference of your tongues and colors. Surely in this there are signs for the persons having knowledge.
[30:24] 他的跡象之一是:你們在夜晝的睡眠,以及你們尋求他的慈惠。And among His signs is your sleep by night and day, and your search for His grace.
←[10:68] 就是他為你們創造了休息的夜夕和工作的明朗的白日。He is the One who made for
you the night, so that you may have rest in it, and (made) the day to see.
←[27:87] 他們不看到我為了他們的休息創造了黑夜,為了賜予他們觀察力創造了白天嗎? Did they not see that We made the night, so that they may have rest in it, and (made) the day to make them see?
[30:25] 他的跡象之一是:他為使你們產生恐懼和希望,顯示你們電光。更從天上降下雨水,由它使無生氣的大地再有生氣。And it is among His signs that He shows you the lightening which causes fear and hope, and that He sends down water from the sky, then He revives the earth with it after its death.
←[13:13] 他為了激起懼怕和希望的情感,而向你顯示閃電並升起濃雲的。He is the One who makes you see the lightening in fear and hope, and who forms the heavy clouds.
→Lightning, although it's exactly the same thine, can cause fear to some people, and hope to others. it can cause fear to travelers because they are afraid of hardship, and hope for people who cultivate land, because lightning means water is coming for their agriculture. And cloud, thunder and lightning are signs of Allah's power. In relation to Him we must have a balance of fear and hope, like the two wings of a bird-fear of His punishment if we disobey Him, and hope of His mercy and blessings. We shouldn't have too much of one or the other but the equal amount of both. Many people are happy to see the lightning because it will save the way they survive, eat and make money. It's a mercy from Allah swt that He gives us water. And in some other situations the very same lightning is a source of fear. it rains often in Taiwan so this problem is not as frequent, but in the middle east or north Africa, people often pray and make Dua to hear the thunder and have rain, because it's very rare and it can decide if the economy will go well or not. When water is rare, our vision of Allah is much clearer, we see so clearly that we depend on Him and we humans are powerless. Abundance can blind people sometimes, and make them feel powerful, whereas they are nothing. Many ayat from the Quran mention that humans become arrogant very quick as soon as they feel safe from danger.
Also about this, Allah swt also says that there are many things that we hate but that are actually good for us, and many things that we love but that are actually bad for us. A little bit like kids who love candies and sweets stuff although vegetables are better for them. Sometimes we are annoyed by the rain, but without rain, no water, no fruit, no vegetable, no life. And sometimes in life it's only through pain that we learn lessons.
Allah tala can do anything, he has the power and he is the Master. When raining comes, firstly clouds start gathering and when it comes cloud changes their color, it becomes dark, and start making noise. Lightning is also start, people are getting hope of raining, those people who badly need rain due to drought or they need rain for their crops, they are getting happy to see this, and finally rain start and they happy. But when lightning start before raining, some people are getting worried and fear they knows this lightning is harm us if it fallen us or at our home, our home will be destroy. So He is the only ALLAH who can give you hope and fear from one thing. It's a one thing, but some people are in fear, and some are happy.
In Quran, the reasons of repeated or related ayat...such as human beings will become arrogant easily, such as lightening, such as the purpose of marriage...the reason is...
It's to remind us about their importance, these repetitions are on purpose, they are like lessons, and these lessons apply to many different situations so these ayat are repeated in different situations.
[30:31] 你要專心致志地貢獻自己,服務於宗教。遵守安拉設計的本性,安拉就是本著這個本性創造了人類。在安拉的創造中沒有任何變更。這就是永恆正確的宗教。但是大多數人都不知道。So, set your face to the Faith uprightly, this (faith) being the nature designed by Allah on which He has created the mankind. There is no change in Allah’s creation. That is the straight faith, but most of the people do not know.
←[10:106] 我也奉命傳達這個使命:聽者啊!你要一心一意地永遠獻身於你的宗教宗旨,絕不要成為多神教徒。and that I should make myself firm on Faith, being upright, and never should be among the Mushriks (who ascribe partners to Allah).”
[30:32] 你們要歸向安拉,採納本性的宗教,尋求他的保護,固守拜功,不要成為設立與安拉同等除拜對象的人。(Set your face to the Faith) turning totally towards Him, and fear Him, and establish Salah, and do not be among those who associate partners with Allah.
[30:33] 他們分裂自己的宗教,成為不同的教派;每一宗派熱衷於他們自己所守持的教義。-among those who split up their religion and became sects. Each group is happy with what it has before it.
←[6:160] 那些使他們的宗教分裂而各成宗派的人,你與他們毫無關係。他們的事情只在安拉的手裡,他將告訴他們所做的一切。Surely, those who have made divisions in their religion and turned into actions, you have nothing to do with them. Their case rests with Allah alone; then He will tell them what they have been doing.
[30:40] 凡你們對錢款是為了生計而放債以期增加人們的財富的,在安拉看來,那錢款將不增加;凡你們對錢款是為獲得安拉的喜悅做為天課使用的,要記住,這種人在安發那裏多方面將增加自己的財富。Whatever Riba (increased amount) you give, so that it may increase in the wealth of the people, it does not increase with Allah; and whatever Zakah you give, seeking Allah’s pleasure with it, (it is multiplied by Allah, and) it is such people who multiply (their wealth in real terms.)
←[2:276] 那些吃利息的人,他們站立起來,好像中了魔瘋病的站立起來一樣。這種情況是因為他們強調說:「買賣與利息完全一樣。」殊不知安拉已把買賣定為合法、利息判為非法的。
Rida的詞意是:超額量或額外事務,意旨本金以上的金額,它包括高利貸和利息。根據聖訓,這一定義是「為收取利息所提供的每項貸款。」Those who take riba (usury or interest) will not stand but as stands the one whom the demon has driven crazy by his touch. That is because they have said:“Sale is but like riba.’’, while Allah has permitted sale, and prohibited riba.
←[2:277] 安拉將消滅利息風氣而促進慈善事業。Allah destroys riba and nourishes charities,
←[2:281] 如果債務人是窮困的,應當等到他寬裕時候的到來。要是你們知道的話,那麼,把本錢也施濟他,是對你們最好的。If there is one in misery, then (the creditor should allow) deferment till (his) ease, and that you forgo it as alms is much better for you, if you really know.