Sunday, June 6, 2021

我讀【古蘭經】之筆記: 第十七章—以色列人/夜行 (BANI ISRA'IL)

第十七章BANI  ISRA'IL 以色列人/夜行



And man ask for evil as he should ask for good; and man is hasty.
Man prays for evil as he pray for good.; because man is always hasty, hasty means man don't have wait. Man is impatient and always in rush. What a man thinks its good for me , he will be impatient to wait what Allah wants good for him. And he don't get satisfied what Allah has plan for him.Man just want to fulfill his own desire even its bad for him because he is impatient to wait whats good behind Allah plan for him. (From a Pakistani female friend)

We being human always try to haste for evil than good deed, we want to have everything regardless it is haram or halal, so to do something without thinking whether it is halal or haram makes sense here


14. 「我把每個人的行為都扎牢在他的頸子上。在復生日,我將把他的行為的一個紀錄,放在他的前面,他會見到那個紀錄是廣泛地開著的。」一個人的行為和這些行為的結果將永遠地終生和他連繫在一起。提醒人們,凡是已經做了的一件事,是無法取消的,而且有深遠影響。
15. 你自己讀你的行為紀錄吧!今天你自己足夠做反對你的清算者
"Read your book. Enough are you today to take your own account"

16. 沒有一個負擔的人,將負擔別人的擔子
No bearer of burden should bear the burden of another.

24.25.  要善待父母。如果在你有生之年,他們中有達到老邁年歲的,要以恭敬態度同他們說話。「因為在我幼小時,他倆養育了我。」

32. 你們不要害怕貧窮而殺害自己的兒女。他們的給養是我供應的,你們的給養也是我供應的。殺害他們是很大的過錯

45. 當你誦讀《古蘭經》時,我在你和那些不信後世的人中間放置一個無形的帳幕。

45. When you recite the Qur’an, We place an invisible curtain between you and those who do

not believe in the Hereafter,

46. 我在他們的心中放置幕蓋物,並使他們的耳失聰,他們不能了解它真理。當你在《古蘭經》中提名表揚自己獨一無二的養主時,他們便憎惡地轉身離去。

46. and We put covers on their hearts barring them from understanding it, and (We put) deafness in their ears; and when you refer to your Lord alone (without referring to their presumed deities,) in the Qur’an,

they turn their backs in aversion.

61. 我所顯給你的夢境和古蘭經中「被詛咒的樹」(the tree cursed in the Qur'an)只是對人的一種考驗罷了。

The Tree of Zaqqum is a tree that "springs out of the bottom of Hell"
*Indeed, the tree of zaqqum. Is food for the sinful. – Surah ad-Dhukhan
*Verily, it is a tree that springs out of the bottom of Hell-fire – Surah as-Saaffat

71. 我已賜予阿丹的子孫很大的榮幸,為他們創造了水陸的旅行工具

And We bestowed dignity on the children of ‘Adam and provided them with rides on the land and in

the sea.

72. 凡在右手接受到其行為紀錄簿者,他將熱切地閱讀關於自己行為的紀錄,他們將不受絲毫不公平的待遇。

Then the ones who will be given their book in their right hands will read their book (happily) and will not be wronged even to the measure of a fine thread.


79. 你要好好地遵從從太陽下降到黑夜不同時候的拜功,並要在早晨誦讀《古蘭》。晨時誦讀《古蘭》是特受安拉接納的。

79. (O Prophet,) establish Salah between the decline of the sun and the darkness of the night, and (establish) the recital at dawn. Surely, the recital at dawn is well attended. (قُرۡاٰنَ الۡفَجۡرِ)

80. 要在夜裡醒來誦讀《古蘭》作為額外拜功。也許你的養主會把你提升到一個崇高的地位。
80.. And during the night, wake up for Salah of tahajjud, an additional prayer for you. It is very likely that your Lord will place you at Praised Station.

Tahajjud (額外) 拜功最適宜於提高信者的精神,因為在夜晚的寂靜中,只一個人和創物者一起,他可享有和安拉進行特殊思想交流的機會

86. 他們問你關於靈魂的問題。你對他們說:「靈魂是由我的養主的命令而受造的;關於這方面你們所授予的知識是少量的。」

86. And they ask you about the soul. Say, The soul is something from the command of my Lord,

and you are not given from the knowledge but a little.”

按《古蘭經》經義,一切創造(物)分為兩類:(1)原始的創造(物),即不借助任何以前創造出來的物質或事物而產生的創造(物);(2)後來的創造(物),即借助於以前創造出來的方法和物質所產生的創造(物)。前一種創造(物),屬於Amr (直譯:命令)類,可見2:118節經文,而後一種稱為Khalq (直譯:創造)。人的靈魂屬於第一類。

Al Baqarah 黃牛章2:118 他是天地創造者。當他決定要使任何東西存在時,關於它,他只要說:「有,」它就有了。

89. 你對他們說:「假如所有普通的人和一切大人物都集合起來創造這樣的《古蘭經》,即使它們互相幫助,也不能創造得出來。」

89. Say, “If all the humans and jinns join together to produce anything like this Qur’an, they

will not (be able to) come up with anything like it, even if they assist one another.

90. 我確在這部《古蘭經》中以不同的方式,敘述了每件必須的事情。但大多數人堅持不信,拒絕了每件事情。

90. Indeed We explained every subject in this Qur’an in various ways for the benefit of mankind.

Still, most of the people refused to do anything but reject.


94. 「或者你有一所金屋,或者你升到天上去;除非你從天上降下一步我們能讀的經典,我們永不相信你的升天。」 你對他們說,「我的養主是清高於這些無意義的事情的,我只是一個受主派遣的人,不能升天。」

94. Or you have a house made of gold. Or you ascend to the sky, and we will not believe in your

ascension unless you send down to us a book we may read.” Say, “I proclaim the Purity of my Lord.

I am nothing but human, a messenger.

95. 指導業已降臨了人們以後,只有這一回事還阻止者他們信仰,他們說:「安拉把一個凡人作為使者派遣了嗎?」

95. Nothing prevented people from believing, when guidance came to them, except that they

said, “Has Allah sent a man as a messenger?”

107 我把《古蘭經》分成各個部分,以便你能像人類逐步地慢慢地間隔地誦讀它,而我也曾逐漸地將示它。

107. 106. We have divided the Qur’an in portions, so that you may recite it to the people gradually, and We have revealed it little by little.


(a) 它必須解答直接聽講的人們所提出的各種暫時性的反對意見來滿足剛改信伊斯蘭教的那些人的精神要求;

(b) 它必須為人類大量的和各種各樣的問題永遠地制定出指導方針。《古蘭經》的經文示每隔一個時期逐漸地啟示的。每當不信教的人提出一項反對意見時,就啟示一些包含對這一項反對意見的解答的經文。同樣的,在早期穆斯林要求提供對某一時機的指導方針時,必須啟示必要和有關的一些經文來滿足該一時機的需要。那就是《古蘭經》原來啟示的順序。可是,由於《古蘭經》的直接聽講的人們的臨時需要不同於人類總的永久性的要求,《古蘭經》在後來編成經本時經文順序,自然和原來啟示的順序不同了。

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